Just A Quick Pet Peeve…

Sitting in my favorite coffee shop, and in walks one of those “extra important people”…by that I mean someone who comes in the coffee shop either talking loudly to other coffee house guests, or someone who comes in talking loudly on their cell phones.

He is talking loudly on his cell phone.

He, along with so many others, is the reason that I LOVE ear buds and the peace I get simply from plugging them into my ears.

I was actually wrapping up some work that I was completing, and completely forget to include another item on my agenda. In walks “extra important”. Not only talking loudly, but wearing the loudest cologne EVER CREATED. And where does he sit? At a table directly in front of me, and positioned himself to face me as well. So I’m catching it ALL. I QUICKLY grabbed my earbuds back out of my purse, slid them in my ears, and turned on iTunes. I have completed tuned him out…unfortunately, earbuds don’t work on bogus cologne.

At any rate, one of my biggest pet peeves is someone who speaks EXTREMELY loud, and for what seems like no other reason than to let someone know “he look at me, I’m here”. Sir, please have a nice seat because I can’t with you today.

Now…coffee shops aren’t “libraries”, and I’m fully aware that people will talk w friends/business partners/have phone conversations. But to be “extra important” is really…well…whack. There actually is a coffee shop protocol to follow, and the loud conversations and loud cologne aren’t included.

“Extra Important” has left the building. I can now remove my earbuds (if I choose), and work in peace.

Moral of the Story: just be respectful of your neighbors in general. Some people naturally talk loud…but the same people who naturally talk loud, are fully aware that they do. Can’t tell me otherwise LOL!

Enjoy your Thursday!

Great Thursday!

It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve written on my own blog! Yes…I know…life can sometimes get insanely crazy, but I will no longer neglect my responsibility here!

Thank you for being so patient…and thank you for your support! Got plenty of updates for you:

  1. I am now a Brand Ambassador for Voice Of Hair! Follow them via Instagram as well! I am not a Contributing Writer for their blog, and I also submit pictures via their site to show case the newest and latest hair styles.
  2. I also have a published piece via Jet Magazine! I was able to submit a post regarding a few simple business tips.
  3. I am an official third quarter blogger for The Boss Network! This is a network that has been sited by Forbes and Inc Magazines as one of the top ten networking sites for women in business!
  4. I am back into runway modeling, and loving it!
  5. I am also back in the studio singing and recording, with a show this month with my Uncle Kirk Whalum!

To say that I have been busy, is an understatement, however it is NOT a complaint! My gifts are making room for me to move and grow, and I appreciate being handed the opportunity to serve in such ways. I will be posting more on my opinions about some of the things that are happening in the world as well. So much has happened since I last SERIOUSLY blogged, and my views on so many things are different…would LOVE to share and get your feedback.

Have an amazing Thursday! Feels so good to be back!

Follow me via IG at @lauranslane.

The Month Of Love & Black History

I am currently looking out of my patio window, and the snow is still falling in Chicago. It doesn’t appear to be letting up anytime soon, which prompted me to write!

February is the month producing the most snow in the Chi, but I don’t care; I’d prefer to discuss black history and black love.

This is my reintroduction back into blogging…stay tuned! Share the blog, tell your friends, and also follow me via IG for lovey posts at LauransLane!
Missed you guys…

IMG_7759 😎

K Ci & Jo Jo in Gary, IN!


Get your tickets now!

K Ci & Jo Jo Tickets HERE!

Ten Things That Love Should NOT Feel Like…

Being in love has got to be one of the most amazing feelings ever…next to seeing your newborn son or daughter for the first time after labor (so I hear). That “in love” feeling is also amazing when you are loved back.

Well…now knowing what love is, I also know what love is not. I’m not an authority on the subject, but the heart will never lie to you.

Let’s go:

  1. Love should never make you feel fear.
  2. Love should not feel like a “chore”.
  3. Love should not be extremely hard or feel tough.
  4. Love should never make you feel as though you are alone.
  5. If someone loves you, you should never feel as though they just “don’t care”.
  6. Love should never place you in a state of confusion.
  7. Love never fails; if it’s hurting you, then it isn’t love.
  8. Love should never feel as though it isn’t supportive; love IS an anchor and something that grounds you, holding you steady in the midst of ANYTHING.
  9. Love should never make you question your decision TO love (deep)…AND FINALLY…

I won’t part my lips to say I Love You and not mean it…that’s the problem though; people say it, knowing full well that it’s empty and FAR from sincere.

Your best bet? Pray before you commit yourself to someone. Let God order your steps in a new or even a more seasoned relationship! You can even get better footing w someone if you have fallen off track, yet you all are on the same page, and willing to work at the relationship. Do the work BEFORE things go sour (if they ever do). Just make sure that you know that “flowers, bells, whistles, and candy” ALL of the time is not real. There will be disagreements, heated discussions, anger, etc., but love has the extreme and undeniable power to conquer any of those things. Just have enough sense to keep an open mind.

Take my poll and let me know if you agree w this post!

Open That Door

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and in all honesty, it’s been by design! I needed to take a mini break to get settled in my newest role…


Yes…as of April 1, 2013 (April Fool’s Day lol) I quit my job in “corporate America”. It came out of nowhere. Nope…I didn’t give two weeks notice; nope, I have not a single regret. I politely told my mgmt person this simple phrase: “I think I am going to have to make my last day here TODAY”. Imagine the look of shock on his face when I said that! I was confident in my decision, had already taken a peak at my financial situation, and decided that I had to act NOW. And I did!

I’ve been happy ever since.

Thing is, in order for me to truly get the weight off of my shoulder, I had to open the door of LEAVING that job. I was MISERABLE (I’m sure some of you have viewed past posts which made reference to my disdain for that place…), and I could not “find joy” in having to be there for seven hours and forty five minutes of my life, day in and day out, anymore. I thought about how much money I had been making there, and let out a sigh…the money was great, but not enough to keep me from being unhappy. I just know that I could no longer take the misery!

I left…and not 10 minutes after I was gone, I received two referrals to manage social media for their brands. For a while I had been working full time on BOTH–the corporate job and my career–and I was completely worn out. One had to go…and it was NOT going to be my PR Firm…

In order for me to receive the vision TOTALLY, I had to open that door of “the money is good at this job though”, walk ALL THE WAY out of it, and activate my faith. My spirit is free now. I may not be making the same amount of money that I was bringing home from the corporate job, but my clientele is picking up tremendously, and I have yet to be worried about making ends meet. I refuse to worry about what God has already done!

I challenge you to Open That Door. The door to working out, establishing your place in society, being open to love, mending a friendship, saving more money…whatever the “door” is for you, go ahead and open it. A huge part of your life’s work is to strengthen what already exists inside of you.

Be free to be who you are; my testimony is simply that I chose to Open That Door. Here’s a look at my door: http://www.prbyelle77.com

Instagram Photo Challenge!

PRbyELLE77 is celebrating its ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY for the entire month of March!

Celebrate w us!! Do this photo challenge via your Instagram pages! Don’t forget to use hashtag #elle77pics!


Thanks so much for supporting us!
Happy Friday!


Today is Saturday! Which means that #BizTipsbyELLE will be posted throughout the day at the PRbyELLE77 FB Site! Make sure that you “like” the page!

Also, PRbyELLE77 will turn one on March 1st! We will host an anniversary photo challenge via Instagram, and we are also celebrating a phenomenal man in the month of March! Information regarding the competition will ONLY be posted via the PRbyELLE77 FB Site!


I certainly appreciate your endless support of the blogs and my business!!



What You Want vs What You Accept

Currently digesting information from these pages:


Author Steve Harvey is not necessarily “liked” by many, as it relates to his advice on relationships…I actually like him, and I agree w quite a bit of what he discusses in this book and in “Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man”.

One thing I am noticing in today’s relationship society is that people are looking for that “quick fix”, or the situation that yields mostly, or only, tangibles. Hmmmm…if I’m honest with MYSELF (speaking for Lauran Adell ONLY) I know that I want more than just a handbag or a trip to an exotic island. On page 56 of the book “Straight Talk, No Chaser”, Steve makes a VERY strong statement. He says “…accepting gifts from a guy without getting what you want in return is nothing more than an advanced form of prostitution”. What makes this statement so TRUE is that I know women who willingly accept gifts from men, yet secretly desire a real relationship (if your BOYFRIEND/FIANCE/HUSBAND buys gifts for you, that’s different–I’m not referring to those women). When a woman accepts those gifts, handbags and trips, without getting what she truly wants, she is in fact a “bought woman”; you JUST told a man that you have a “set price”, not that you are “priceless”. This ALSO speaks to the fact that a Father or Father figure is JUST AS important in a girl-child’s life as one is in a boy-child’s life. (DISCLAIMER: this is not to say that a woman is ONLY strong if she has a Father/Father-figure; this is merely stating the IMPORTANCE of said role in a girl-child’s life…keep reading!)

My Father, bless his HUGE heart, is the BEST MAN IN THE WORLD to me; a modern-day Superman!

Here I am w my Daddy at a luncheon at our church, where he Pastors, where the men were honored:


He has made it so that I don’t ever have to want or need for anything!

Because he was (and still is) very active in my life, I understand that I deserve the very best that a man has to offer. My Father has ALWAYS given me his best, even when I didn’t want to hear what he had to say on certain topics; but that didn’t stop him from being the best Daddy to me…I salute him and how he has been very crucial in how I handle men. BECAUSE OF HIS INFLUENCE, I can smell the proverbial bullsh*t miles away.

Steve Harvey hits on SEVERAL points about how to deal w men and how to get what you would like out of men (i.e. commitments , honesty, etc, not referring to tangible items–please…), but one thing that he will state, and states OFTEN is the fact that if you aren’t getting what you desire out of your relationship/if you feel that it is going nowhere/if he won’t commit, LET HIM GO. I love how he refuses to sugar coat a situation w his female audience…and for some, it’s just what we need to hear/read. What you want HONESTLY is that commitment; so why settle by merely accepting gifts that only pacify you for the moment? It’s easier to manuever through these situations w men when you KNOW YOUR OWN PERSONAL VALUE. It’s only a problem when you have no clue as to who you actually are and what YOU actually want.

I know what I want and I won’t settle for less than I deserve; I have my Father to thank for that! My Mother (may her soul rest in heavenly peace) was married to a KING (my Daddy); she encouraged him, supported his vision(s), and stood by him. Also, my Dad knew he was blessed with a Queen–and he treated her as such! A woman who encourages her significant other and supports him will ultimately make a man “want” to change his ways FOR HER! You can’t “change a man”, but you can be so phenomenal that he commits to making changes on his own…KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!


There is no textbook method in getting to know someone, however you have to truly evaluate and sometimes RE-evaluate your situation on a regular basis.

Are you getting what you want?
Or are you getting what you accept? I’m hoping you know the difference…trust me; the men ALREADY KNOW THE GAME; we have to “navigate the plays”, ladies!

(FYI: if your man is honest w you, he will acknowledge his growth (or lack thereof) with you, and will let you know JUST how valuable you are to his life…I never said that love is easy, but I do know that love should not hurt you, and is ABSOLUTELY worth it!)

To Sir: Wherever you are as you read my blog, I Love You; I appreciate you allowing me to love you the way that I am designed to love a man, I am grateful for your support of everything that I do, I will always encourage you to be the best that you can be, I have your back, and life has been amazing since you’ve entered into it. Thank You for being there for me; no matter what we have gone thru, I wouldn’t change a thing…I know, just like I knew back in 2011, that I am in good hands. *muah* 


Great Day!

Today was just plain AWESOME!

I didn’t know how I would make it thru the last two hours of the work day, but it’s over!


And now time for bed!


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